AI-generated, glowing, blue and sheer hexagonal tiles arranged in random pattern

Knowledge Enterprise

Empowering AI innovation

Present and future of AI

ASU’s Knowledge Enterprise is the engine that drives research, discovery and innovation at ASU and in our communities. We provide dedicated service to enable faculty, students, staff and community members to be successful in research that addresses humanity’s greatest challenges.

Knowledge Enterprise empowers a broad range of experts and researchers to challenge, advance and apply artificial intelligence technologies. By opening access to tools and platforms across all disciplines, KE drives an inclusive environment for AI research that joins scientific, humanistic and artistic exploration. We help our community envision both the present and the future of AI beyond technological innovation alone. And we strive to engage AI as part of a shared future in which we all can thrive.

Person in red dress presenting to audience

AI supporting research

AI can accelerate and enhance research across all fields of study, but most researchers do not have expertise in using these technologies. In addition to further development of AI itself, we need to focus on making AI more accessible to all.

ASU seeks to bridge this gap by providing accessible and user-friendly AI tools and platforms that can facilitate data analysis, visualization, modeling, simulation and communication across many different fields. We also explore how AI can be applied to research operations, reducing administrative burden.

Developing AI, and particularly generative AI, in a way that allows broad engagement and integration opens the door to addressing increasingly complex problems that require communication and synthesis across technological and sociological realms. This is something generative AI is uniquely suited to facilitate and ASU is ideally structured to accomplish.

Resources for researchers

laptop screen with chatgpt open

Understanding and advancing AI

Knowledge Enterprise empowers our researchers and scholars to challenge the status quo of AI and envision new, modified or alternate systems. ASU experts are advancing AI technologies, studying their impact on society and human well-being, and exploring the law and policy implications of these innovations.

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